Meetings New!
Press Releases
Press Briefings
Transcripts and Webcasts
Audit Reports
Special Audit Reports
DFI Audit Reports
Financial Information
IAMB Reports
First interim IAMB report issued on Dec. 14, 2004
Second interim IAMB report issued on Dec. 18, 2006
Third interim IAMB report issued on Feb. 29, 2008
Documentation New!
Response from PricewaterhouseCoopers regarding net proceeds of oil export sales
Letters from United Nations and COFE to PricewaterhouseCoopers regarding net proceeds of oil export sales
UNSC Resolution 1956
Terms of Reference after January 7, 2011
Report from the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) on follow up of audit recommendations presented to the IAMB Meeting January 6-7, 2011
Bi-monthly Report from the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) to the IAMB on their Activities for the Months of September and October 2010
Bi-monthly Report from the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) to the IAMB on their Activities for the Months of November and December 2010
Third Report of the UN Secretary General to the UN Security Council under UNSCR 1905, November 2010
Third Report of the Government of Iraq to the UN Security Council under UNSCR 1905, November 2010
Report from the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) on follow up of audit recommendations presented to the IAMB Meeting October 14-15, 2010
Bi-monthly Report from the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) to the IAMB on their Activities for the Months of May and June 2010
Bi-monthly Report from the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) to the IAMB on their Activities for the Months of July and August 2010
Second Report of the UN Secretary General to the UN Security Council under UNSCR 1905, July 2010
Second Report of the Government of Iraq to the UN Security Council under UNSCR 1905, July 2010
Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) Report on its action plan for the remainder of 2010 presented to the IAMB Meeting on April 28-29, 2010
Report from the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) on follow up of audit recommendations presented to the IAMB Meeting April 28-29, 2010
Oil Metering Updated Ministry of Oil Plan presented to the IAMB Meeting on April 28-29, 2010
Status Report from Ministry of Oil on oil meters at end February 2010 Presented to the IAMB Meeting on April 28-29, 2010
Bi-monthly Report from the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) to the IAMB on their Activities for the Months of January and February 2010
Bi-monthly Report from the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) to the IAMB on their Activities for the Months of March and April 2010
First Report of the UN Secretary General to the UN Security Council under UNSCR 1905, April 2010
First Report of the Government of Iraq to the UN Security Council under UNSCR 1905, April 2010
Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) High Level Summary Action Plan for 2010, presented to the IAMB Meeting on January 31, 2010
Bi-monthly Report from the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) to the IAMB on their activities for the months of November and December 2009
Minutes of the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) Meeting Held on December 31, 2009
UNSC Resolution 1905
Terms of Reference after January 31, 2010
Report from the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) on follow up of audit recommendations presented to the IAMB Meeting December 16, 2009
Letter from the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) to the Ministry of Oil on the oil metering system presented to the IAMB Meeting December 16, 2009
Report from the Government of Iraq on the status and plan of installation of oil meters presented to the IAMB Meeting December 16, 2009
Report from the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) to the IAMB Meeting July 22-23, 2009
Report from the Board of Supreme Audit (BSA) on their review of the 2008 KPMG audit observations presented to the IAMB Meeting July 22-23, 2009
BSA work plan for 2009
COFE meeting minutes July 2009
COFE meeting minutes April 1, 2009
COFE meeting minutes February 5, 2009
COFE meeting minutes January 13, 2009
Report of the Committee of Financial Experts on its 2008 activities and 2009 Work Program, presented to the IAMB Meeting on April 2-3, 2009
Presentation by the Iraqi Ministry of Oil to the IAMB Meeting on April 2-3, 2009
Iraqi Code of Measurement of Hydrocarbon Fuels
Report of the Committee of Financial Experts on the implementation of DFI audit recommendations (2003 to 2007), presented to the IAMB meeting on October 20-21, 2008
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1790
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1723
Confirmation by the Government of Iraq of the Creation of an Iraqi Oversight Body to Take Over When IAMB Ceases in December 2006
Update from the Iraqi Representative on the Establishment of an Iraqi Oversight Body to Succeed the IAMB
Update from the Iraqi Representative on the Metering of Iraqi Crude Oil
Update from the President of the Board of Supreme Audit of Iraq on Earlier Recommendations
Letter from the Minister of Finance to the Office of the Prime Minister of Iraq dated July 11, 2006, together with a covering note from the IAMB Representative, regarding the Successor Iraqi Oversight Body for the DFI
Letter from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Iraq to the UN, dated March 22, 2006, regarding oil metering
Letter from the US Department of Defense, dated January 26, 2006, regarding the settlement of the DFI funded task orders under the KBR contract
Report by the Government of Iraq on the Implementation of Recommendations from the Previous Audit, Presented to the IAMB Meeting on January 23, 2006
Report by the Government of Iraq on the Implementation of Recommendations from the Previous Audits, Presented to the IAMB Meeting on October 4–5, 2005
Statement of Work—Special Audit of Sole Sourced Contracts
Audit of DFI—Request for Proposal—for the period ended December 2004
Terms of Reference after April 2, 2009
Terms of Reference after January 8, 2008
Terms of Reference after December 11, 2006
Terms of Reference—After November 8, 2005
Terms of Reference—After June 28, 2004
Terms of Reference—Before June 28, 2004
Rules of Procedure—After June 28, 2004
Rules of Procedure—Before June 28, 2004
UNSC Resolution 1483
UNSC Resolution 1546
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1637

Bi-monthly Report from the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) to the IAMB on their Activities for the Months of September and October 2010
Bi-monthly Report from the Committee of Financial Experts (COFE) to the IAMB on their Activities for the Months of November and December 2010
Update from the President of the Board of Supreme Audit of Iraq on earlier recommendations
Terms of Reference
UNSC Resolution 1483
UNSC Resolution 1546
Special Audit Reports
Audit Reports
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International Advisory and Monitoring Board on the Development Fund for Iraq
Press Release
October 14, 2004
Statement by the International Advisory and Monitoring Board on the Development Fund for Iraq

The International Advisory and Monitoring Board (IAMB) on the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI) met on October 11-12, 2004, and issued the following statement:

"The IAMB has been presented with the final reports by KPMG in regard of the audits of the oil export sales and the DFI operations. These reports cover the period from January 1, 2004 to June 28, 2004 and supplement earlier reports covering the period from May 23, 2003 to December 31, 2003. The audits were conducted under the oversight of the IAMB, in line with its mandate under UN Security Council Resolution 1483, and are available on the IAMB website ( The IAMB will issue a report summarizing its comments and conclusions after due consideration and review of these reports.

"The IAMB has previously announced its concern about the use of non-competitive contracting using DFI resources. The US Government provided the IAMB with information on audits of sole-sourced contracts by the Defense Contract Audit Agency. The US Government has also agreed to commission a special audit of sole-sourced contracts in accordance with terms of reference agreed with the IAMB. This special audit will (i) determine the extent of sole-sourced contracts using DFI resources; (ii) summarize the findings of audits that have already been conducted by various US government audit agencies; and (iii) determine whether any such contracts have not been the subject of audits. The results of the audit will also be made public.

"The IAMB also reiterated its request to receive access to audit reports on the review of controls in the State Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO) by KPMG, which was commissioned by the CPA in February 2004.

"The IAMB is pleased to note that the Interim Government of Iraq is initiating the contracting and selection process of an audit firm to audit the oil export sales and DFI operations from June 29, 2004 in accordance with UNSCR 1546. The terms of reference of the audit and the request for proposals will be posted on the Iraqi Ministry of Finance website and on the IAMB website ( The nomination and appointment of the DFI external auditor is subject to approval by the IAMB.

"The next meeting of the IAMB is tentatively scheduled for December 6-7, 2004."
